Dental Hypersensitivity

The Best Solution for Sensitive Teeth

Dental hypersensitivity is short severe pain in the teeth that results from the intake of very cold and hot foods or drinks, acidic food or food with a high content of sugar. In recent years its prevalence has increased. Lack of social importance given to this condition, the lack of supervision of home bleaching and oral products sold in the markets all contribute to the prevalence of this problem. All this can generate other oral problems in the future, so we must recognize the first signs of dental hypersensitivity.

How are sensitive teeth produced?

Our teeth are protected by different layers that help to keep it in a constant balance with the external environment of the mouth. When a layer of the teeth, especially the enamel, erodes or fractures the exposed dentine is responsible for producing nerve stimuli. This is when the sensation of pain is provoked. Sensitive teeth can occur when the gums retract and reveal the roots of the teeth producing the same sensitivity.

As we can see, there are different causes but we can specifically name them in order to avoid them.

  • One of them may be the brushing technique that we are using, as well as the strength that we put on the toothbrush. Improper brushing can cause enamel abrasion until the thickness of the enamel decreases producing sensitivity in the long term. But if we use a very abrasive toothpaste we can accelerate this process and make it worse.
  • The consumption of acidic foods such as cola, tamarind, vinaigrettes, Jamaica, sweets with large amounts of chili or acid can erode the teeth and produce pain.
  • There are also mechanical causes. The grinding of the teeth called bruxism can cause very serious injuries due to the wearing that occurs in the teeth. This exposes the teeth to nervous stimuli and causes hypersensitivity.
  • After periodontal surgery, it is common for the gums to be slightly retracted and the dentin exposed. This causes sensitivity. Various dental treatments such as simple cleansing or more complex treatments such as orthodontics also can cause hypersensitivity.

The way to identify sensitivity is very simple since it will occur spontaneously and we can see that it is only with certain stimuli such as water at a very low or hot temperature, with foods with a lot of sugar or that is very acidic.

But what is the indicated treatment if I already have sensitivity?

There are several ways to attack the problem but first it is important to emphasize that prevention is priority and always will be the best option. Having correct hygiene habits, using a good brushing technique, eating healthy foods and visiting our dentist twice per year are good preventative measures.
In order to eradicate dental hypersensitivity, there are different desensitizing products such as mouthwashes, pastes and gels, which help to close the microscopic channels of the tooth by inhibiting the stimuli that produce pain.

ENAMELIN Mouthwash does not only remineralize teeth. Enamelin completely eliminates dental hypersensitivity and strengthens teeth making this rinse the best option.

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